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ID 688318

Jonathan Chu

Founder, CTO @verdigris-technologies , Engineer @netlogic-microsystems (acq. @broadcom), @rmi (acq. @NetLogic), BS/MSECE @carnegie-mellon-university

ID 32880

Alex Yakunin

Founder of @x-tensive-com; the original author of its flagship product @dataobjects-net.

ID 263927

Fabian Schonholz

Founder @fes-consulting, @mercarisys • Worked at @ninja-metrics, @internet-brands • Studied at @university-of-california-santa-barbara

ID 261802

Henry Quach

Co-Founder @gotoclassroom, @pesome-1, @wheretolist-1 , @ilearnulearn. Studied at University of Saskatchewan, McMaster University.

ID 136794

Max Mansoubi-Ghazanfari, Ph.D.

Visionary, Innovator, Entrepreneur & Consultant

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